The “Design Thinking for Inclusive Education: Connecting Families and Educators” workshop, held during LLLWeek, built on the momentum from the Dublin conference, where The Lifelong Learning Platform, The European Association for the Education of Adults and COFACE Families Europe united to address gaps in EU education and training policies.
The European Commission’s education and training monitor
The Education and Training Monitor is a one-stop shop for the latest facts and figures about EU education systems. This annual reporting series from the European Commission serves as an easy gateway into everything you need to know about learning across the EU, all the way from early childhood education and care to adult participation in education and training.
EU Commission report: early-life social investments yield highest returns
Social investments and reforms in key areas can boost employment, social inclusion, competitiveness and economic growth. This is the main finding of the Commission’s 2024 Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) report.
An inclusive learning platform for persons with intellectual disabilities by APEMH
COFACE member APEMH has introduced a learning platform in French and Luxembourgish with a variety of subjects explaining in a friendly way daily topics that will make the life of persons with disabilities easier.
Life-long learning: Bringing the family perspective to the education field
This expert meeting brought together speakers from Ireland and Europe to help pave the way for family-centred education and learning systems. The expert meeting will be an opportunity to spotlight the diversity of educational approaches by featuring professionals working with families in different EU countries, to share their insights on developing learning materials by-with-for families.