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Life-long learning: Bringing the family perspective to the education field

European expert meeting on families and life-long learning

16th April 2024
Dublin, Ireland

Read the key findings here.

See presentations from speakers below.

European context

The European Pillar of Social Rights puts a strong focus on education and lifelong learning, and namely on guaranteeing the right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable them to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions to the labour market. The 2023 European Year of Skills agenda aims to raise awareness around skills and the need to improve and develop skills to address skills shortages, while also helping people to get the right skills for good quality jobs through reskilling and upskilling.

Advocacy and collaboration between education and social rights NGOs further supports equitable education. COFACE advocates for educational policies and initiatives that support the diverse needs of families, ensure educational equity, and foster a supportive learning environment for all types of families. It does this especially through its European Family Lab.

Objectives of the European expert meeting

This expert meeting brought together speakers from Ireland and Europe to help pave the way for family-centred education and learning systems. The expert meeting was an opportunity to:

  • Discuss the links between education and social rights
  • Spotlight the diversity of educational approaches by featuring professionals working with families in different EU countries, to share their insights on developing learning materials by-with-for families;
  • Build partnerships with key education stakeholders at national and European level


Working language: English
Participation on invitation only: NGOs representing families, policy-makers, and researchers.
See full programme in English


Read the key findings of the meeting here.

Presentations Session 1: Setting the scene. Bringing the family perspective in education: diversity of approaches

Presentations Session 2 The family perspective in education – country spotlights

Presentations Session 3 Opening up education to bring the perspectives of families

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