This webinar will bring together speakers from the EU institutions, and participants from different fields and backgrounds in order to discuss tools for monitoring and evaluation of the European Care Strategy implementation; and to share knowledge from national and EU level in order to strengthen the policy and funding levers to boost implementation.
Strengthening EU care policies for family carers
A growing recognition of the challenges faced by care systems in the EU is leading to promising steps towards stronger support for family carers. COFACE is deeply engaged in shaping this agenda, advocating for comprehensive policies as outlined in its revised European Charter for Family Carers.
European Care Strategy: spotlight on national Long-term care measures
COFACE monitors closely the implementation of the strategy in both care service fields: early childhood education and care (ECEC), and long-term care (LTC). For ECEC, we monitor especially measures taken through the European Child Guarantee national action plans, working with the Alliance for Investing in Children. For LTC, we do this together with a European care advocacy alliance of more than 20 NGOs and trade unions.
Joint statement: Time for an ambitious European Long-Term Care Platform
In view of the High-Level event of the Belgian presidency of the EU on the European Pillar of Social Rights taking place in La Hulpe on 15 and 16th April 2024, as well as the upcoming European elections, 16 European organisations call on EU policy makers to enhance the implementation of Pillar principle 18 on the right to long-term care under the next 2024-2029 legislature, starting with the creation of a European Long-Term Care Platform.
Too old to care? Looking at disability and ageing from the perspective of family carers
Persons with disabilities have the right to live independently, included in the community and to family life. To mark the 2023 UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the COFACE Disability Platform places the spotlight on family carers. Their crucial role can significantly boost the fulfillment of the rights outlined in the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, provided they receive adequate support. A COFACE Disability “Thematic Note” was developed to contribute to policy discussions and help find constructive solutions.
Thematic Note on Ageing Family Carers
Principle 18 of the European Pillar of Social Rights stresses: the right to affordable long-term care services of good quality, in particular homecare and community-based services. Since its adoption in 2017, the European Union has been looking more intensively at the topic of Long-Term Care (LTC), most notably with the adoption in 2022 of the European Care Strategy and the Council Recommendation on Long-Term Care. In this important time, COFACE Disability Platform launch this thematic note to spark the debate on the diversity of family carers. While the lion’s share of family carers are currently of working age and need urgent actions to support them.