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Here you will see news from Europe, from civil society, from research, highlighting emerging trends from local to international level relevant for families of today.

Text from The Ligue des familles media in french.
Economic violence on women – Belgium

Economic violence on women – Belgium

Violence against women is not limited to physical or psychological aggression. It also takes a more insidious, but equally destructive form: economic violence. COFACE Families Europe's member based in Belgium, The Ligue des familles and nine other organizations are calling for a universal and automatic alimony fund, based on the French or Quebec model, through which all alimony claims would pass - not just unpaid situations.

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Joint Statement. Time for ambition: The EU needs a strong Social Fund to live up to its commitments

Joint Statement. Time for ambition: The EU needs a strong Social Fund to live up to its commitments

Time for ambition: The EU needs a strong Social Fund to live up to its commitments The European Union has begun talks on the next long-term EU Budget, which will determine how billions of euros are invested in Europe’s future. Initial discussions suggest potential...

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Increasing early childhood education and care participation can promote women’s employment

Increasing early childhood education and care participation can promote women’s employment

Fostering early childhood education can boost women’s employment. According to an assessment conducted by the European Commission's Joint Research Center (JRC), providing formal childcare to 40%, 50%, 60% and 65% of children under 3 would lead to remarkable increases in the labour supply of mothers.

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COFACE Member Familles Rurales and several French Consumer associations call for curbing the explosion of food prices

COFACE Member Familles Rurales and several French Consumer associations call for curbing the explosion of food prices

Familles Rurales joins UFC Que Choisir and CLCV in an open letter addressed to the French Prime Minister on March 9, 2023. These three consumer associations are asking to curb the explosion of food prices by ceasing to guarantee a minimum margin of 10% to large-scale distribution. 

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Research by COFACE member KMOP sheds light on bullying dynamics and parental needs in 6 countries

Research by COFACE member KMOP sheds light on bullying dynamics and parental needs in 6 countries

KMOP along with six other organizations from Italy, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, and the Netherlands, have conducted desk and field research on the subject of bullying as part of the Erasmus+ project “Like father, like son.” The initiative aims to equip parents and guardians of children aged between 10 and 15 with knowledge and tools to help them explain the various aspects of diversity to children and young people.

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OPINION – Children with imprisoned parents: ‘forgotten victims’ of the criminal justice system

OPINION – Children with imprisoned parents: ‘forgotten victims’ of the criminal justice system

Have you ever been inside a prison? For many children in Europe the inside of a prison is a reality when they go visit their imprisoned parent, some children even live together with their parent inside the prison. Children with imprisoned parents are often ‘invisible’ or ‘forgotten victims’ of the criminal justice system.

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European LGBTIQ* Families Associations advocate for parenthood recognition and inclusive education

European LGBTIQ* Families Associations advocate for parenthood recognition and inclusive education

The Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations (NELFA), COFACE member, is very worried about the recent developments in Bulgaria and Italy. The Supreme Administrative Court in Sofia decided to leave “Baby Sara” at risk – against the CJEU judgement in December 2021. And the government in Rome forces liberal cities to stop their co-mother recognition. 

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ENAR Open Letter to EU institutions: Take a Stand Against Attacks on Anti-Racist Civil Society

ENAR Open Letter to EU institutions: Take a Stand Against Attacks on Anti-Racist Civil Society

The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) along with 50+ other civil society organisations have written an open letter to European Commission President and European Parliament President condemning attacks on anti-racist civil society organizations in Europe. The letter highlights the importance of protecting and supporting anti-racist efforts and organisations, especially in the midst of rising hate speech and racism in society.

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