COFACE Families Europe adopts Digitalisation principles for creating a better Internet and web for all
COFACE Families Europe adopted 14 Digitalisation principles for creating a better Internet and web for all.
COFACE Families Europe adopted 14 Digitalisation principles for creating a better Internet and web for all.
In October 2024, COFACE co-hosted a European expert meeting in Berlin on the role of local prevention systems for implementing the European Child Guarantee. Click here to see the key findings.
This position paper adopted end 2024 analyses how the quality of interaction between ECEC services and families can enhance educational outcomes and the overall experience for both children and parents.
“Toy Stories”, the first Europe-wide survey on Toys and Diversity, developed and translated by COFACE members into 13 languages.
Lockdowns, school closure and teleworking have pushed society into a new reality in the family, working and social spheres of life, with clear consequences on work-life balance and mental health.
This Digital Families Map draws out the great work of COFACE members in tackling the different facets of digitalisation as expressed in the 13 digitalisation principles of COFACE Families Europe.
Brussels, 3rd December 2019, MEDIA RELEASE for International Day of Persons with Disabilities According to the Academic Network of European Disability Experts, institutional care continues to consume disproportionate levels of public expenditure, far outweighing...
COFACE Families Europe is ready to address challenges in partnership with the European Union, in an attempt to find sustainable and lasting solutions for the future.
COFACE members in several EU countries are in action when it comes to creating inclusive societies.