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12 Dec, 2024

Driving inclusion and diversity in the workplace: insights from Share The Care Poland 

COFACE’s Polish member, Fundacja Share The Care supported the creation of a comprehensive study assessing the maturity of Polish organisations in managing diversity and inclusion (D&I). 

Conducted between January and March 2024, the study assessed 77 companies and organisations, primarily large enterprises, representing a wide range of industries.  In the previous edition of 2023, a total number of 32 organisations took part in the study. This effort sheds light on how far Polish businesses have come in fostering inclusive workplaces—and where challenges remain. These were primarily large companies and organisations (86%), representing various industries ( from services, trade, transport, and financial sectors to pharmaceuticals, energy, and industrial production). In 2024, micro and small organizations were also invited to participate in the study, but their representation in the study was less than 1%. 

As many as 54 companies were distinguished on the “List of employers most advanced in the field of diversity and inclusion management in Poland”. The list is created based on the results of a study of companies that achieve a specific level of maturity. The report is enriched by other expert articles, which address, among others, the subject of parental equality and support for fathers in the workplace. Karolina Andrian from the Share The Care foundation emphasises that although more and more companies support additional leave for fathers, there is still a lack of entities promoting parental equality among same-sex couples. 

Read more here (Polish). 

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