EU Policy Webinar on the implementation of
the European Child Guarantee
10.30-12.30 CET on 23rd January 2024
• Rute Guerra, Chair of the EU Social Protection Committee (Full presentation)
• Mathis Porchez, Policy Officer, Child Guarantee, DG EMPL, European Commission (Full presentation)
• Jeroen Jutte, Head of Unit, European Social Fund +, DG EMPL, European Commission (Full presentation)
• Ciresica Feyer, Deputy Head of Unit, Labour market, Education, Health & Social services, DG REFORM, European Commission (Full presentation)
EU Member States agreed through the Article 11(c) of the Council Recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee to submit National Action Plans on the implementation of the European Child Guarantee (NAPs) by the 15th of March 2022.[1] These should include actions across the four identified areas notably through targeted measures for the different target groups identified considering the national circumstances.
COFACE advocates for a two-generation approach in policy and practice to tackle child poverty, which is based on the interrelated well-being of children and their caregivers, as highlighted in the COFACE Child Compass 2030.[2] This is the vision that was put forward in the Child Guarantee adopting a two-generation approach.
To support the development and implementation of the Child Guarantee, COFACE and the Association of German Family Organisations (COFACE member), has already jointly organised two expert meetings in Berlin bringing together civil society organisations and family policy-makers.[3]
Objectives of the EU policy webinar
This webinar brought together speakers from the EU institutions, and ministries working on the Child Guarantee and COFACE member organisations, in order to :
- Discuss tools for monitoring and evaluation of Child Guarantee implementation;
- Foster stronger links between different policy and funding initiatives taken at EU and national level;
- Share knowledge from national and EU level in order to strengthen the policy and funding levers to boost implementation;
- Develop recommendations to feed into frameworks which are key in the implementation process such as the National Action Plan reviews, the EU Child Guarantee Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, the mid-term review of the EU Multi-annual Financial Framework, and the future of EU Cohesion policy.
Working language: English
See full programme here.
[1] Article 11(c) Council Recommendation (EU) 2021/1004 of 14 June 2021 establishing a European Child Guarantee.
[2] COFACE Families Europe, “Child Compass 2030 – For a Europe which invests in shaping a healthy society, environment and economy fit for children”, 2020.
[3] COFACE Families Europe, Berlin Meeting 2022: Stepping up implementation of the EU Child Guarantee – National action plans in the spotlight; COFACE Families Europe, Berlin Meeting 2020: The Child Guarantee – A tool to tackle family poverty?