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Interventions to support children and youth in the digital environment

Download the presentation slides of this webinar here.

8th February 2023 from 9.30-11.00 CET


Interventions to support children and youth in the digital environment


Halla Holmarsdottir, Professor, Faculty of Education and International Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University. Coordinator Horizon 2020 research ‘The Impact of Technological Transformations on the Digital Generation (DigiGen)’.

Holly Shorey, Project and advocacy officer, COFACE Families Europe. Impact manager of DigiGen.


Following 3 years of EU Horizon 2020 research on the impact of digital transformations on children and youth, the “Digital Generation”, fresh insights and recommendations will be presented during the breakfast byte for use by families, practitioners, policy-makers and key industries. DigiGen starts putting a language to what we see, as a society, about children and young people’s everyday digital realities. Instead of relying on moral panics and paternalistic presumptions, we respond to what hundreds of children and young people are telling us about their everyday digital lives. It is clear that the digital generation is made of active digital citizens who can be resilient and responsible participants in the digital civic space if adequately supported and recognised accordingly across their ecosystem: through schools, leisure time, families, and other civic spaces. This can be done by employing a more holistic, child-rights-friendly approach to digital access and competency. Namely that all children across Europe should have:

  • Access to digital devices, connectivity, and to a digital environment that enables their active participation as digital citizens
  • Room to develop competency across digital skills, media literacy, and social competences

Achieving this relies on proper governance distribution between EU and national regulation, industry self-regulation, and awareness raising.

More information

Links shared by participants

DigiGen toolkit: “Talk!” 

Eurochild published a statement on child online safety

Skills4Parents online HUB

Safely online, a European resource with tips for parents, by Gezinsbond and Child Focus (Belgium)

Online course developed by COFACE and KMOP: School Bullying Management – Effective Skills for Educators

“Más que un móvil” – A guide of the AEPD (data protection agency) in Spain


Download the presentation slides of this webinar here.




After two great years of connecting with the COFACE Family Lab community through regular breakfast byte webinars looking at different types of supports to families (a support service, a campaign, a policy, a project, and more), join us for more breakfast bytes in 2023.

In 2023, we are focusing on different EU supports for families, including research, policies, education tools and more.

With these breakfast bytes, we aim to increase critical thinking and understanding of family support systems. The target group of the webinars is especially professionals working with families and children but is open to all (researchers, policy-makers, teachers, health workers, families, and more). It is more important than ever to connect professionals through transnational exchanges for cross-border mutual support and care.

Have you missed our breakfast Bytes series so far or you would like to re-watch it? You can find it on COFACE TV, our Youtube channel.


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