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COFACE financial inclusion working group

This online meeting is open to COFACE members and partners working on financial inclusion matters. It will feature speakers from the COFACE secretariat, Finance Watch and Single parents foundation Isadora Duncan (Spain).

Key tools for driving change towards parenting equality in Poland

This breakfast byte webinar is being hosted on international fathers’ day to put the spotlight on men and care through a parenting equality lens. Join us to hear this talk by Karolina Andrian, founder and president of the Share The Care Foundation in Poland. Register here!

Work-Life Balance Strategies in Family Policy

A healthy work-life balance positively affects our personal relationships and helps cope with stress. This balance extends to family responsibilities, including care for both children and elderly family members. This European expert meeting will examine the place of work-life balance in family policies.

COFACE working group on transnational families

This working group meeting aims to explore the impact of globalisation on family structures, identify the challenges faced by transnational families, discuss relevant EU developments, and promote collaboration among stakeholders to enhance support systems for these families. 

COFACE Disability platform – annual meeting

The annual meeting of COFACE Disability will take place in Brussels this year.  This will cover many topics including family carer, discussions on EU policy and funding, early childhood intervention, employment and disability, accessibility and more. Open to COFACE Disability members only.

Family carers in Europe today: state of play

In the run-up to the 29th October UN international day of care and support, this European round table hosted by the COFACE Disability and the European Committee of teh Regions will foster debate on the realities and support needs of family carers in the European Union today.

Webinar: Care and support for families with hearing disabilities

This breakfast byte webinar will put the spotlight on supports to families with hearing disabilities, starting with a deep dive into a programme developed by FIAPAS (COFACE Disability member) in 1998. FIAPAS have a network of more than thirty Family Care and Support Services across Spain which are coordinated by professionals specialised in hearing disabilities and family support.