The role of local level prevention systems for implementing the European Child Guarantee
9th October 2024
Berlin, Germany
The European Child Guarantee recognises the importance of using national and local policy levers to support its implementation through quality services for children in vulnerable situations. Municipalities and services are at the forefront of work to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. According to a report adopted by the European Parliament in November 2023, “more needs to be done to achieve a more comprehensive, intersectoral approach to tackling children’s risk of vulnerability and to ensure genuine implementation by removing the policy, political, administrative and financial barriers.” This aligns with recent developments in various European nations, where there is a growing focus on enhancing multi-agency collaboration across local service providers. These offer a wide range of early intervention support to families through a proactive, preventive approach, which can facilitate smooth transitions during times of stress or crises, such as poor health, financial hardship, or unemployment.
This expert meeting will:
- Connect the European Child Guarantee recommendation to the local level, looking more closely at the impact of services on children and their families.
- Explore different local service models across countries with a view to better understand what works and what does not.
- Utilise the integrated family policy framework created by the European Observatory on Family Policy to facilitate discussions on potential approaches for the sector, in addition to developing an agenda for the years 2025 and beyond.
Working languages: English and German
Participation: Invitation only