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6 Dec, 2024

Key Findings on Work-life balance

A wooden balance weighing "work" and "life" with a drawn character in the middle of the balance.

Work-Life Balance Strategies in Family Policy

COFACE and NAMS Lithunia organised a European expert meeting in Vilnius in September 2024 to explore the intersection of two domains (mental health and work-life balance), bringing together stakeholders from academia, industry, government, and civil society to examine challenges, share best practices, and foster innovative solutions to support families in maintaining optimal mental health while navigating work-life demands.

The meeting was attended by 100 participants from 26 European countries, and aimed to:

  1. Explore the intersectional dimensions of work-life balance, considering how factors such as gender, socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity intersect with family dynamics and mental health outcomes.
  2. Promote the integration of family-friendly working conditions, mental health services and family-friendly policies into organisational structures that best meet families’ needs.
  3. Facilitate dialogue and collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including employers, employees, policymakers, researchers, and community organisations, to develop comprehensive strategies for supporting family mental health in the workplace.

See the full meeting report here


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