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19 Jan, 2024

Our wishes for a peaceful, healthy and successful 2024

As we kick off the year, our president, Annemie Drieskens, shared a hopeful message along with warm New Year wishes.

We wish you and your family a prosperous New Year filled with collaboration, unity and continued efforts for our beloved Europe—one where families are at the forefront, and their health and wellbeing take center stage in our collective actions.

A Europe that puts families first recognises that a thriving society stems from balanced and fulfilled individuals within their family units.

Let us envision a Europe where every family has access to quality healthcare, where preventive measures are as valued as curative interventions, where everyone has access to essential resources for a harmonious and thriving family life, where work-life balance should not be a luxury but a fundamental right. By championing policies that support flexible working hours, parental leave, and affordable and quality childcare, we empower families to nurture both their personal and professional lives.

Moreover, let us commit to fostering an environment where education is accessible to all, providing the knowledge and skills necessary for families to prosper. By investing in our children’s education, we invest in the future of our continent, ensuring that everyone has the tools to succeed.

The time has come for Europe to recommit to its most precious asset—its families. By placing their health and wellbeing at the forefront of our policies, we not only build stronger communities but also pave the way for a resilient and prosperous Europe.

Let us join forces in 2024 and aim for shared successes and meaningful strides towards a continent where all families flourish, and the values of care, support, and unity guide our path forward.

Annemie Drieskens

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