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Results for "Social inclusion"

Deposit savings rates: A costly consequence for families

Deposit savings rates: A costly consequence for families

In a recent presentation to the European Banking Authority’s Banking Stakeholder Group, several consumers organisations brought to light a pressing concern – the enduring issue of persistently low savings interest rates for household deposits in the Eurozone. This financial predicament, coupled with surging inflation and rising banking costs, is exerting great pressure on families.

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First rEUsilience working paper “Family profiles: Risks, resources, and inequalities”

First rEUsilience working paper “Family profiles: Risks, resources, and inequalities”

rEUsilience, a Horizon Europe research initiative spanning from 2022 to 2025, is a collaborative effort involving renowned universities such as Oxford, Stockholm, Barcelona, Warsaw, KULeuven, and Zagreb, with COFACE as an integral partner. The first working paper from rEUsilience maps how resilience is being used in the EU policy discourse, noting how there is a lack of a clear conceptualisation of how it applies to families.

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An image with written "European Disability Card" and "European Parking Card for persons with disabilities"
A step towards inclusivity: EU Commission proposes harmonised European Disability and Parking Card

A step towards inclusivity: EU Commission proposes harmonised European Disability and Parking Card

On the 6th of September 2023, following years of advocacy, a pilot project with eight EU countries, and extensive consultations with stakeholders, the European Commission put forward the long-awaited proposal for a European Disability Card and a European Parking Card that will facilitate persons with disabilities to access the right to free movement. 

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EU adopts ambitious Energy Efficiency Directive: a closer look at what’s changed

EU adopts ambitious Energy Efficiency Directive: a closer look at what’s changed

On 25 July 2023, the revised Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) was adopted by the Council, significantly raising the EU’s ambition on energy efficiency.  
The proposal to revise the Energy Efficiency Directive, along with other proposals, tackles the energy aspects of the EU’s climate transition under the ‘Fit for 55’ package presented by the Commission on 14 July 2021.

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Tech companies to comply with EU Digital Services Act for a safer online environment

Tech companies to comply with EU Digital Services Act for a safer online environment

In November 2022, the Digital Services Act (DSA), which introduces new rules for online service providers, came into force. It significantly improves the mechanisms for the removal of illegal content and for the effective protection of users’ fundamental rights online, including the freedom of speech. It also creates a stronger public oversight of online platforms, in particular for platforms that reach more than 10% of the EU’s population.

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Media ReleasesNews
No Family Left in the Cold: Europe must build more inclusive energy systems

No Family Left in the Cold: Europe must build more inclusive energy systems

As international stakeholders gather in Warsaw today for the International Annual Conference on Energy Poverty to address the multifaceted challenges of energy poverty, it is crucial for the EU and its governments to act swiftly for a families-sensitive approach to energy policy and planning. This includes integrated policy solutions that combine energy and social policies which are vital in preparation for the winter ahead. COFACE has developed a policy brief.

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