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Results for "no discrimination"

Coworkers with varied disabilities working at a coffeeshop.
APF France Handicap’s advocacy for the employment of people with disabilities in France

APF France Handicap’s advocacy for the employment of people with disabilities in France

At a time when unemployment among individuals with disabilities seems to be somewhat better acknowledged by French public authorities due to increased focus on employment access, neglecting to secure career paths amounts to merely shifting the problem. Faced with these observations, COFACE member, APF Handicap, provides a thorough analysis in a recently published research which highlights measures and solutions to prevent the risk of professional disintegration.

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European Parliament report advocates social inclusion amidst crisis for children and families

European Parliament report advocates social inclusion amidst crisis for children and families

On the morrow of the UN International day for the Rights of Children, the European Parliament adopted an important text for children and their families. The Own Initiative report on Reducing inequalities and promoting social inclusion in times of crisis for children and their families received 386 votes in favours for 87 against and 141 abstention.

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Rainbow organisations condemn Human Rights violations in Italy

Rainbow organisations condemn Human Rights violations in Italy

COFACE member NELFA marked World Children’s Day on November 20th 2023 alongside several other rainbow organisations with a joint statement highlighting and condemning recent developments in Italy, where some children are now facing the distressing reality of unrecognised parents. All families need to be recognised and respected, without discrimination, in order to protect the best interest of the child and make sure they are not exposed to discrimation.

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Overview of key legislation on Safer Internet for kids: A Guide to EU Laws for child online safety

Overview of key legislation on Safer Internet for kids: A Guide to EU Laws for child online safety

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, keeping our kids safe online is a top priority. The European strategy for a better Internet for kids (BIK+) has compiled a handy resource — the Compendium of Legislation. This document brings together all the important EU formal texts that revolve around children in the digital realm. 

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Spotlight on Spanish campaign to tackle economic violence against women

Spotlight on Spanish campaign to tackle economic violence against women

The Foundation for Single Parent Families “Isadora Duncan” based in Leon (Spain) and member of COFACE, has been working for many years against gender violence and launched a campaign to make economic violence visible and to work on its prevention. The campaign includes the design and elaboration of different materials and resources as tools for information, prevention and awareness-raising.

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EU study on the cost of climate change on households and families   

EU study on the cost of climate change on households and families   

This study investigates the major climate-related risks for households in the EU by quantifying the relationship between a set of selected climate-hazards metrics, households’ income by source, and sector-specific expenditures, capturing both the climate induced cost of impacts and adaptation measures. This analysis is complemented with the assessment of mitigation policy costs for households using a mixed modelling approach.  

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#BeTheSHIFTMedia ReleasesNews
Too old to care? Looking at disability and ageing from the perspective of family carers

Too old to care? Looking at disability and ageing from the perspective of family carers

Persons with disabilities have the right to live independently, included in the community and to family life. To mark the 2023 UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the COFACE Disability Platform places the spotlight on family carers. Their crucial role can significantly boost the fulfillment of the rights outlined in the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, provided they receive adequate support. A COFACE Disability “Thematic Note” was developed to contribute to policy discussions and help find constructive solutions.

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Thematic Note on Ageing Family Carers

Thematic Note on Ageing Family Carers

Principle 18 of the European Pillar of Social Rights stresses: the right to affordable long-term care services of good quality, in particular homecare and community-based services. Since its adoption in 2017, the European Union has been looking more intensively at the topic of Long-Term Care (LTC), most notably with the adoption in 2022 of the European Care Strategy and the Council Recommendation on Long-Term Care. In this important time, COFACE Disability Platform launch this thematic note to spark the debate on the diversity of family carers. While the lion’s share of family carers are currently of working age and need urgent actions to support them.

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OPINION – Investing in family policies is a win for every child

OPINION – Investing in family policies is a win for every child

Universal Children’s Day on 20th November offers us an inspirational entry point to promote child well-being and build a world fit for children. It is a day of action by children. They are speaking out and imagining a better future. It is important to listen to their ideas and demands. It is also a day for children to ensure their rights and provide a nurturing and safe environment for all from birth on.

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