On 14 and 15 April, COFACE Families Europe participated in the Social Summit on the Future of Social Europe that took place in the small Belgian village of La Hulpe. The purpose of the high-level conference was to sign an inter-institutional declaration, with the ultimate goal of shaping the future social agenda of the European Union for period of 2024-2029.
European Parliament report advocates social inclusion amidst crisis for children and families
On the morrow of the UN International day for the Rights of Children, the European Parliament adopted an important text for children and their families. The Own Initiative report on Reducing inequalities and promoting social inclusion in times of crisis for children and their families received 386 votes in favours for 87 against and 141 abstention.
Study session on Deinstitutionalisation practices
This public study session organised by the European Expert Group on the transition from institutional to community-based care. It aims to bring together professionals, persons concerned by deinstitutionalisation, their families and representative organisations to discuss the shift toward meaningful inclusion in the community.
Open letter to urge support for the EU Regulation to prevent and combat child sexual abuse
With a recent open letter addressed to Members of the European Parliament and Representatives of Member States in the Council of the EU, leading experts from around the world, among which COFACE Director Elizabeth Gosme, urge support for the Commission’s proposal.
European Semester 2023 Reports: Spotlight on Measures to Boost Resilience of Families
The Commission presented the annual European Semester Spring Package on 24 May 2023. The Package includes a Communication, country reports and country-specific recommendations for all 27 Member States, in-depth reviews for 17 Member States, and a Commission proposal on guidelines for Member States’ employment policies in 2023.
European expert meeting: Inclusive Education for an Inclusive Europe
This European expert meeting co-hosted with AIAS Monza will take the Italian system as a starting point for discussion with European peers. We will bring together organisations of families of persons with disabilities and service providers, education professionals, persons with disabilities and their families and policy-makers from several countries to examine key actions to implement inclusive education in line with the UNCRPD and the General Comment n4.
OPINION: Will the revised EU Consumer Credit Directive fully protect vulnerable consumers ?
Establishing a safe and fair European consumer credit market needs to be at the heart of the ongoing review of the EU Consumer Credit Directive (CCD), the EU directive designed to provide consumer protection for this market.
Celebrating Europe on International Day of Families
The Bonniconlon local guild of the Irish Countrywomen`s Association (member of COFACE Families Europe) has worked hard to organise a public debate on International Day of Families which focuses on celebrating 50 years of Ireland in the European Union.
OPEN LETTER: COFACE Families Europe stands with Ukraine
COFACE Families Europe is deeply concerned about the escalating situation in Ukraine and the consequences for the people of Ukraine.