In its statement on 18th October, the Network of European LGBTIQ Families Associations (NELFA) indicated that it stands in full solidarity with its Italian member association, Famiglie Arcobaleno, following the approval of the Varchi Law, which criminalises seeking surrogacy abroad.
European Commission launches toolkit to support social housing in Member States
The European Commission has released a new toolkit to help policymakers make the best use of EU funding to invest in social housing and accompanying services. This initiative addresses the urgent need for affordable and decent housing, which is crucial for social inclusion and enables greater participation in education and the labour market.
Championing Rights of Rainbow Families: Insights from the European Parliament and Equinet Reports
Equality and non-discrimination are core EU values and fundamental rights, enshrined in the Treaties and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. However, research shows that discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people persists across the EU. Despite progressive legal frameworks at the supra-national level, levels of protection for rainbow families specifically vary significantly between European states. Some countries provide adequate legal safeguards, while others lag behind, reflecting an ongoing struggle for equality and recognition.
State of progress for rainbow families in Europe
With 43 associations representing thousands of LGBTIQ* families, NELFA promotes the exchange of information between its members. In 2022, published its review on the state of progress for rainbow families in Europe.
Cross-border recognition of familial ties within the European Union
Rainbow families within the EU still face many problems when they attempt to exercise their free movement rights. Same-sex couples cease to exist when crossing a border, children lose their legal ties to (at least one of) their parents. More and more cases show the urgent need to change the situation.
OPINION: Family diversity in the EU – a call for more respect!
Most recently, Commission President von der Leyen used her State of the European Union to underline her support for the LGBTIQ community and the recognition of rainbow families.