We are pleased to welcome and introduce COFACE’s newest member: The CNAFAL (Conseil National des Associations Familiales laïques) who works to protect and promote the well-being of families and all that contributes to it.
Unpaid care work prevents 708 million women from participating in the labour market
An estimated 708 million women worldwide are outside the labour force because of unpaid care responsibilities, according to new ILO global estimates, released end of October 2024, on the occasion of the International Day of Care and Support.
European Commission takes Germany to the EU court over family benefits for mobile workers
In July 2024, the European Commission decided to refer Germany to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to uphold the rights of mobile workers from other EU Member States as regards the amount of family benefits granted to them.
Dutch COFACE member Pro Parents campaign on safer standards for pregnant workers
Dutch COFACE member Pro Parents are stressing the importance of strong safety standards and adequate conditions for women working during pregnancy. 50% of pregnant women in the Netherlands work in unsafe conditions. This shocking statistic was recently uncovered from research by Dr. Monique van Beukering. Dr van Beukering is a company doctor, scientific researcher and domain expert at Pro Parents Workplace Wellbeing.
COFACE’s rEUsilience Project: exploring family socio-economic well-being in Europe through interactive data visualisation
COFACE is part of the rEUsilience project which aims to understand how different families respond when they are faced with socio-economic shocks and major decisions regarding managing family life and securing a decent income. A key outcome of this project is a compendium of families’ risks, resources, and resilience which provides users with open-access data to understand the situation of families in Europe.
COFACE participates in EU Belgian Presidency Social Summit
On 14 and 15 April, COFACE Families Europe participated in the Social Summit on the Future of Social Europe that took place in the small Belgian village of La Hulpe. The purpose of the high-level conference was to sign an inter-institutional declaration, with the ultimate goal of shaping the future social agenda of the European Union for period of 2024-2029.
Motherhood employment gap: shedding light on the vicious cycle
On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2024, COFACE Families Europe is calling on EU policymakers and employers to take concrete and effective measures to close the gender employment gap in the EU. Women’s participation in employment is significantly affected by motherhood, with negative consequences for their health, for families and the economy.
Minimum wages: Non-compliance and enforcement across EU Member States
In 2020, the European Parliament requested the European Commission to carry out a pilot project on the “Role of the minimum wage in establishing the Universal Labour Guarantee”. Eurofound was entrusted with the implementation of this pilot project (2021–2023). This report examines non-compliance with minimum wage legislation and how Member States approach enforcement.
Paths2Include: A new 3-year European research project kicks off in Oslo
Paths2Include aims to find new solutions to overcome barriers to the inclusion of persons in vulnerable situations in the labour market. It will provide new gender-sensitive and comparative data on effective employment policies to foster inclusive labour markets. The project will tackle the dimension of discrimination based on gender, racial or ethnic origin, civil and family status, care responsibilities, disability and health, age and sexual orientation, in three labour market processes – recruitment, career trajectories and work exit.
Eurofound reports that minimum wage hikes struggle to offset inflation
As the EU economy advanced its recovery following the pandemic, the high rate of inflation throughout 2022 meant that wage setting actors made their decisions under a cloud of uncertainty.
Equal at home – equal at work: practical guide for working parents and employers
We are happy to share with you a guide for working parents and employers “Equal at Home – Equal at Work” published by our member Share the Care Poland. It is a collection of expert articles and good practices for employers on building parental equality in the workplace.