On behalf of the European Expert Group on the transition from institution to community-based living (EEG), we are pleased to invite you to our annual study session.
Joint Statement on European Care Strategy transparency
Following the call on 8th April 2024 for a European Long-Term Care Platform, 18 organisations signed a joint statement urging national governments and the European Commission to ensure open and transparent reporting mechanisms for the European Care Strategy, for its effective monitoring and implementation.
Key findings: Family diversity and access to social rights
In October 2023, COFACE and UNAF Spain co-hosted a European expert meeting on family diversity and making social rights accessible to all types of families. The context is one of fast-paced changes in labour markets and income security to which families have to act...
Online capacity-building on EU funding and social services for families
A representative from the Helpdesk on EU funds for social services (run by EASPD) will provide an overview of key funds and how they support the development of social services linked to the implementation of different European strategies.
Life-long learning: Bringing the family perspective to the education field
This expert meeting brought together speakers from Ireland and Europe to help pave the way for family-centred education and learning systems. The expert meeting will be an opportunity to spotlight the diversity of educational approaches by featuring professionals working with families in different EU countries, to share their insights on developing learning materials by-with-for families.
Research webinar: European Observatory on Family Policy
This research webinar is open to anyone interested in research on family policies (from a design or implementation perspective). It will be the occasion to discuss the results of the first research report of the European Observatory on Family Policy with COFACE Families Europe and the Centre for Family Studies of ODISEE University of Applied Sciences, founders of the Observatory.
COFACE working group on education for social rights
The working group aims to create an informal and collaborative space, serving as an education hub, where members from different countries can learn from one another, exchange ideas, build partnerships and explore ways to improve and promote their education practices.
Transnational Family Dynamics – online brainstorm on the state of play
COFACE Families Europe is part of a new COST network called Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe which aims to deepen the knowledge of the growing, rapidly changing phenomenon and dynamics of transnational families (TNF) by bringing together researchers and stakeholders from different disciplines and countries to address the need for transnational insights and to formulate policy and practice-oriented recommendations with an impact on international, national, sub-local and local practices.
EU Care Stategy: COFACE Families Europe Recommendations
EU Care Strategy: COFACE Families Europe Recommendations For a future of care that supports and recognises family carers A societal shift on the way we envision care is essential to create a sustainable future, which will serve social and economic inclusion of all and...