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child rights
OPINION – Ethnic segregation of Roma children in Europe’s schools demands real action 

OPINION – Ethnic segregation of Roma children in Europe’s schools demands real action 

Ethnic segregation is a widespread and systematic practice in many European countries. These practices are illegal yet continue to shape the lives of children and families across Europe. Our rights to education, housing, and health, ostensibly enjoyed by us all, remain divided along ethnic lines. For many Roma, their enjoyment of these rights is severely limited, often with the tacit support of the state.  

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State Of The European Union for Families: COFACE assessment of the European Union’s work from 2019-2024

State Of The European Union for Families: COFACE assessment of the European Union’s work from 2019-2024

In 2019, COFACE Families Europe mobilised voters locally through its member organisations (representing families of all types, without discrimination). These recommendations are addressed at EU-level policymakers in the European Commission, European Parliament and Council of the EU, from whom we expect joint leadership to ensure tangible results for Europe’s citizens.  It is on this basis that we have assessed the European Union’s work from 2019 to 2024, and how it contributes to achieving eight positive outcomes for families of today.

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Eurofound report on the European Child Guarantee workforce

Eurofound report on the European Child Guarantee workforce

The Council of the European Union approved the European Child Guarantee (ECG) to address and combat child poverty and exclusion (Council of the European Union, 2021). This report by Eurofound provides knowledge and information about the workforce relevant to ECG and to support Member States in implementing the ECG and reporting on the implementation of national action plans.   

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OPINION – Europe, listen to survivors and stop abuse online

OPINION – Europe, listen to survivors and stop abuse online

Content warning: this article includes material about child sexual abuse  that some people might find confronting.

In the 17 seconds you have taken to read this far, footage or images of at least 34 children being abused have been uploaded onto the world wide web. 2 per second. This is the rate of appearance of the kind of material Apple is wilfully failing to detect.

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EU policy webinar – European Child Guarantee

EU policy webinar – European Child Guarantee

This online expert meeting will bring together speakers from the EU institutions, and ministries working on the Child Guarantee and COFACE member organisations, in order to discuss tools for monitoring and evaluation of Child Guarantee implementation.

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Study session on Deinstitutionalisation practices

Study session on Deinstitutionalisation practices

This public study session organised by the European Expert Group on the transition from institutional to community-based care. It aims to bring together professionals, persons concerned by deinstitutionalisation, their families and representative organisations to discuss the shift toward meaningful inclusion in the community. 

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