All across Europe, COFACE members continuously work to contribute to positive outcomes for diverse types of families in a changing society, including single-parent households. Organisations such as La Ligue des Familles and Single Parents Foundation have both recently and respectively put a spotlight on concrete ways to support and empower single parents in Europe from Belgium to Hungary.
Understanding the take-up of early education entitlements – a study by Coram Family and Childcare
COFACE member, Coram – Family and Childare recently published a study looking at early education entitlements for young children in England, focusing on the challenges some families, especially disadvantaged ones, face in accessing these services.
Guidelines for detecting Postnatal Hearing Loss by COFACE Member FIAPAS
Postnatal childhood hearing loss is the hearing disorder detected after birth. There are three types: progressive, late-onset and acquired. These are compounded by those attributed to the lack of sensitivity of diagnostic technology or non-compliance with protocols.
“Mute your machismo” – A campaign against sexism in video games aimed at teenagers
COFACE Spanish member, UNAF (Unión de Asociaciones Familiares) has launched the campaign ‘Mute your machismo’, which aims to raise awareness among teenagers about sexism in video games and to prevent discrimination and violence against female gamers with macho comments and behaviour.
OPINION – Making video games fun for families: the crucial role of family settings awareness
53% of Europe’s population between the ages of 6 and 64 plays video games. And, whilst the average age of a player is 32, many players are children. Europe’s video game companies are dedicated to creating games for everyone to enjoy and, also, importantly, to provide safe, responsible environments for those games to be enjoyed in.
Eurofound report on the European Child Guarantee workforce
The Council of the European Union approved the European Child Guarantee (ECG) to address and combat child poverty and exclusion (Council of the European Union, 2021). This report by Eurofound provides knowledge and information about the workforce relevant to ECG and to support Member States in implementing the ECG and reporting on the implementation of national action plans.
Championing child safety: COFACE member ‘Step by Step’ trains Child Assault Prevention helpers
The Child Assault Prevention (CAP) program equips children with effective prevention strategies to reduce their vulnerability and exposure to various forms of violence. As a Regional Training Center in Croatia, our COFACE member, the ‘Step by Step’ Parents’ Association, trains future CAP helpers in delivering the program.
OPINION – Investing in family policies is a win for every child
Universal Children’s Day on 20th November offers us an inspirational entry point to promote child well-being and build a world fit for children. It is a day of action by children. They are speaking out and imagining a better future. It is important to listen to their ideas and demands. It is also a day for children to ensure their rights and provide a nurturing and safe environment for all from birth on.
Report of the European Observatory on Family Policy: Towards greater family policy integration across Europe
Families with young children have complex necessities in the period before the start of compulsory schooling. Often, these needs cannot be reduced to educational, healthcare or caregiving demands alone.This comparative report aims to investigate possible responses to multisectoral needs of households by providing an overview of the current alignment and coordination between complementary services and policy areas in four European countries (Finland, Germany, Italy, and Poland) and the Belgian region of Flanders.
From farm to fork: A conference focused on more sustainable school lunches programme in Czechia
Our dedicated member, WOMEN FOR WOMEN is in charge of the project “Lunch for Kids” and in that context it had the opportunity to actively participated in the “Farm to Fork conference”. The programme focused on meals for the public, local produce and school lunches.
Guiding Children Through Parental Separation: Key tips from Women for Women
Every year, thirty thousand minor children in the Czech Republic face the divorce or separation of their parents. COFACE member organisation Women for Women (W4W) runs a service which supports separating parents and offers them a helping hand.
Early Childhood Education and Care in times of trouble: Time for European minimum quality standards
Media release, 15th May 2023 International Day of Families As governments across the EU are called upon to increase the overall uptake of Early Childhood Education and Care, COFACE members are reporting increasing trade-offs between quality and quantity,...
Research by COFACE member KMOP sheds light on bullying dynamics and parental needs in 6 countries
KMOP along with six other organizations from Italy, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, and the Netherlands, have conducted desk and field research on the subject of bullying as part of the Erasmus+ project “Like father, like son.” The initiative aims to equip parents and guardians of children aged between 10 and 15 with knowledge and tools to help them explain the various aspects of diversity to children and young people.
European LGBTIQ* Families Associations advocate for parenthood recognition and inclusive education
The Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations (NELFA), COFACE member, is very worried about the recent developments in Bulgaria and Italy. The Supreme Administrative Court in Sofia decided to leave “Baby Sara” at risk – against the CJEU judgement in December 2021. And the government in Rome forces liberal cities to stop their co-mother recognition.
Pandemic scar: European Parliament asks to address the consequences on mental health of children
European lawmakers voted in favour of a non-binding report calling for increased spending on education and culture in order to combat the decline in the mental health of children and young people.
Some useful tips for parents for the back-to-school season
September is usually the month where we reorganize our duties, both professional and day-to-day, but it is also a month when children go to a new school grade with hopes and dreams for building a better future.
Council adopts conclusions on the rights of the child
The Council has adopted conclusions on the EU strategy on the rights of the child, with a particular focus on the protection of children’s rights in crisis or emergency situations. Against the background of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the Council notes the need to protect children facing armed conflicts and their consequences.
Digital Rights and Principles for the Digital Decade – New European Commission Proposal
In January, the European Commission proposed a set of draft Digital Rights and Principles for the Digital Decade. June Lowery-Kingston of DG CONNECT describes the principles as a “sort of moral compass” to lay out our values and intentions for current and future innovation and regulation.
Skills4Parents – Learning Guide for Parents
The Skills4Parents Learning Guide for Parents provides plenty of material for self-learning of parents in five areas: Communication, Empowerment, Mediation, Problem solving and Digital.
OPINION: Time and support for analog families in our fast and digitalized world
It is clear that our present and our future are digital. During the pandemic, digital technologies kept families connected and societies functioning.
Policy Brief – The impact of food marketing on the health of families
COFACE Families Europe is campaigning to help tackle childhood obesity and has developed an interactive tool called #Nutrimedia.