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OPINION – Ethnic segregation of Roma children in Europe’s schools demands real action 

OPINION – Ethnic segregation of Roma children in Europe’s schools demands real action 

Ethnic segregation is a widespread and systematic practice in many European countries. These practices are illegal yet continue to shape the lives of children and families across Europe. Our rights to education, housing, and health, ostensibly enjoyed by us all, remain divided along ethnic lines. For many Roma, their enjoyment of these rights is severely limited, often with the tacit support of the state.  

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Early Childhood intervention in Portugal – Fundação LIGA takes centre stage in cross-municipal ECEC conference 

Early Childhood intervention in Portugal – Fundação LIGA takes centre stage in cross-municipal ECEC conference 

The end of March 2024 marked a significant event for Fundação LIGA, our Portuguese COFACE Disability member. In fact, representatives of their Early Childhood Intervention Program participated in the inaugural meeting of ELI AASMA. ELI AASMA is the Early Childhood Intervention Association for the municipalities of Alenquer, Arruda dos Vinhos, and Sobral de Monte Agraço and serves as a platform for collaboration and knowledge-sharing among professionals working to support children and families.   

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Eurostat: New indicators on childcare participation and intensity

Eurostat: New indicators on childcare participation and intensity

As of December 2023, Eurostat introduced a novel indicator titled ‘Children in formal childcare or education by age group and duration.’ This indicator aims to provide insights into the participation patterns of children aged 3 years to the minimum compulsory school age in formal childcare or education within the European Union.

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Life-long learning:  Bringing the family perspective to the education field

Life-long learning: Bringing the family perspective to the education field

This expert meeting brought together speakers from Ireland and Europe to help pave the way for family-centred education and learning systems. The expert meeting will be an opportunity to spotlight the diversity of educational approaches by featuring professionals working with families in different EU countries, to share their insights on developing learning materials by-with-for families.

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COFACE working group on education for social rights

COFACE working group on education for social rights

The working group aims to create an informal and collaborative space, serving as an education hub, where members from different countries can learn from one another, exchange ideas, build partnerships and explore ways to improve and promote their education practices.  

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Inclusive education for an Inclusive Europe – a critical perspective by Genitori Tosti 

Inclusive education for an Inclusive Europe – a critical perspective by Genitori Tosti 

Representatives of Genitori Tosti (member of COFACE Disability) attended a European expert meeting co-organised by AIAS and COFACE Disability to take stock of progress in inclusive education in Europe. The event took place at the end of March with 100+ participants in Monza (Italy) looking at the Italian system as a starting point for discussions with European peer countries and with EU policy-makers. 

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KMOP’s initiative “Live Without Bullying” selected by HundrED as one of the most impactful and scalable innovations in education

KMOP’s initiative “Live Without Bullying” selected by HundrED as one of the most impactful and scalable innovations in education

The “Live Without Bullying” project, created by KMOP, organisation member of COFACE Families Europe, has been selected as one of the most impactful and scalable innovations in education in the HundrED Global Collection 2023. This international distinction comes to reward the most impactful innovations that are changing the face of education in a post-Covid world.

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Guidelines for teachers and educators on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training

Guidelines for teachers and educators on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training

There is a clear need to strengthen the role of education and training in tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy. The sooner we help young people acquire the digital skills and competencies to be critical and confident users, the better.  The guidelines provide hands-on guidance for teachers and educators, including practical tips and activity plans. They are designed for primary and secondary teachers with or without specialist knowledge of digital education. 

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Education and training to achieve social inclusion

Education and training to achieve social inclusion

Lifelong learning covers education and training across all ages and in all areas of life. It enables citizens’ emancipation and full participation in society in its civic, political, social and economic dimensions. A humanistic and holistic approach to learning, from the cradle to the grave, is of continued relevance in today’s world and a viable foundation for the rethinking of education. 

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Key findings on large families

Key findings on large families

Using the COFACE Child Compass as a starting point, we organised a European expert meeting in Ljubljana in March 2022 focused on the features of large families and the challenges they experience in Europe today, taking stock of the situation in different countries and collecting good practices.

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The future of schools beyond Covid-19

The future of schools beyond Covid-19

The European Schoolnet shares collective learning experiences collected from its year-long webinar series on the future of school beyond Covid-19 through a report which aims to foster a discussion about what the future of school education beyond Covid-19 could and should look like.

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