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digital families
How safe are children aged 9–12 when navigating the digital world?

How safe are children aged 9–12 when navigating the digital world?

COFACE member, KMOP,  presents a new study that highlights the urgent need to safeguard children from online risks. The study focuses on the online behaviour, risks, and digital safety awareness of children aged 9 to 12 years in Greece,  providing valuable insights into their digital habits and vulnerabilities.

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POLICY BRIEF. Supporting Families in the Digital Era: How to ensure safe and enriching online experiences for children and their Families?

POLICY BRIEF. Supporting Families in the Digital Era: How to ensure safe and enriching online experiences for children and their Families?

EU policy-makers must ensure that all families are given support and guidance to access and navigate the digital environment in a meaningful way. This includes strong legal frameworks as well as strong and “low-threshold” evidence-based support and prevention measures for families. COFACE has produced a policy brief highlighting the importance of digital technologies for children and their families, and analysing whether existing and currently debated EU frameworks aimed at ensuring safe and empowering digital experiences for children integrate a families perspective.

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Supporting Families in the Digital Era

Supporting Families in the Digital Era

With new MEPs recently elected to the European Parliament and a new European Commission about to be formed, COFACE has produced a policy brief highlighting the importance of digital technologies for children and their families, and analysing whether existing and currently debated EU frameworks – aimed at ensuring safe and empowering digital experiences for children – integrate a families perspective. COFACE calls upon EU policy-makers to ensure that all families are given support and guidance to access and navigate the digital environment in a meaningful way.

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A week of digital awareness for families with Unaf France

A week of digital awareness for families with Unaf France

Since 2017, the City of Paris has implemented a digital inclusion strategy with numerous partners, aiming to use digital technology as a lever for social integration. In 2024, COFACE member Unaf participated in the launch of the week-long event dedicated to digital parenting titled “My Child and Screens” and brought its 20 years of field experience and expertise to the discussions

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COFACE has the ambition to shape together a strong social Europe fit for families and foster a European society that is more inclusive, offers equal opportunities and brings everyone forward.
In preparation of the next European elections on 6-9th June 2024, here are ten specific actions we would like to see integrated in the programme of the European Union.

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OPINION – Sharenting: exercise of parental rights or infringement of privacy?

OPINION – Sharenting: exercise of parental rights or infringement of privacy?

While social media are used for many purposes and from all ages, young people constitute a significant proportion of internet users. Unfortunately, as they engage in online activities they may enter dangerous situations such as cyberbullying, online sexual exploitation and other forms of cybercrimes. But what happens when the parents themselves expose their children to these dangers through actions such as sharing information about their children online under the veil of parenting?

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OPINION – Digital Services Act: New EU rules to protect and empower minors online

OPINION – Digital Services Act: New EU rules to protect and empower minors online

We can show kids and teens the path and we can even make it safer for them, but we can’t always be there to hold their hands nor keep them from going out into the world – and the world wide web. The environments that children are growing up in today are drastically different from the ones that we have known in the past. However, one thing is still the same: children and teens want to follow their curiosities, learn who they are and connect with other kids. Today they can do this from the palm of their hands.

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Time for the European Union to adopt strong rules to protect children from online sexual abuse

Time for the European Union to adopt strong rules to protect children from online sexual abuse

On this Safer Internet Day 2024, COFACE urges EU stakeholders to extend the temporary ePrivacy Derogation by at least two years, but with the main focus on adopting a long-term framework on preventing and combatting online child sexual abuse. Policy makers and technology companies must play their part to keep children safe online and not leave the burden on children and their families.

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COFACE Families Europe ‘Easy-to-Read’ Resources

COFACE Families Europe ‘Easy-to-Read’ Resources

“Easy-to-read” is information that is written in a simple and clear way so that all people can understand it. In the ever-evolving landscape of information sharing, the matter of accessibility takes center stage at COFACE, particularly when it comes to our resources and the information we disseminate.

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Tech companies to comply with EU Digital Services Act for a safer online environment

Tech companies to comply with EU Digital Services Act for a safer online environment

In November 2022, the Digital Services Act (DSA), which introduces new rules for online service providers, came into force. It significantly improves the mechanisms for the removal of illegal content and for the effective protection of users’ fundamental rights online, including the freedom of speech. It also creates a stronger public oversight of online platforms, in particular for platforms that reach more than 10% of the EU’s population.

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Guidelines for teachers and educators on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training

Guidelines for teachers and educators on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training

There is a clear need to strengthen the role of education and training in tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy. The sooner we help young people acquire the digital skills and competencies to be critical and confident users, the better.  The guidelines provide hands-on guidance for teachers and educators, including practical tips and activity plans. They are designed for primary and secondary teachers with or without specialist knowledge of digital education. 

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COFACE speaks at EU Digital Assembly 2022

COFACE speaks at EU Digital Assembly 2022

COFACE was invited to speak at the Digital Assembly 2022 hosted by the French Presidency of the EU and the European Commission in Toulouse, France, on 21st June 2022. COFACE President Annemie Drieskens spoke more specifically in the Better Internet for Kids workshop, which consisted of two panels – the first one discussing the protection of children and young people online, and the second one addressing the empowerment and participation of minors in the online environment.

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