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OPINION – Ethnic segregation of Roma children in Europe’s schools demands real action 

OPINION – Ethnic segregation of Roma children in Europe’s schools demands real action 

Ethnic segregation is a widespread and systematic practice in many European countries. These practices are illegal yet continue to shape the lives of children and families across Europe. Our rights to education, housing, and health, ostensibly enjoyed by us all, remain divided along ethnic lines. For many Roma, their enjoyment of these rights is severely limited, often with the tacit support of the state.  

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Our wishes for a peaceful, healthy and successful 2024

Our wishes for a peaceful, healthy and successful 2024

As we kick off the year, our president, Annemie Drieskens, shared a hopeful message along with warm New Year wishes.
We wish you and your family a prosperous New Year filled with collaboration, unity and continued efforts for our beloved Europe—one where families are at the forefront, and their health and wellbeing take center stage in our collective actions.

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EU policy webinar – European Child Guarantee

EU policy webinar – European Child Guarantee

This online expert meeting will bring together speakers from the EU institutions, and ministries working on the Child Guarantee and COFACE member organisations, in order to discuss tools for monitoring and evaluation of Child Guarantee implementation.

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Report of the European Observatory on Family Policy: Towards greater family policy integration across Europe

Report of the European Observatory on Family Policy: Towards greater family policy integration across Europe

Families with young children have complex necessities in the period before the start of compulsory schooling. Often, these needs cannot be reduced to educational, healthcare or caregiving demands alone.This comparative report aims to investigate possible responses to multisectoral needs of households by providing an overview of the current alignment and coordination between complementary services and policy areas in four European countries (Finland, Germany, Italy, and Poland) and the Belgian region of Flanders.

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Research webinar: European Observatory on Family Policy

Research webinar: European Observatory on Family Policy

This research webinar is open to anyone interested in research on family policies (from a design or implementation perspective). It will be the occasion to discuss the results of the first research report of the European Observatory on Family Policy with COFACE Families Europe and the Centre for Family Studies of ODISEE University of Applied Sciences, founders of the Observatory.

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Key findings: Expert meeting on inclusive education

Key findings: Expert meeting on inclusive education

In March 2023, taking the Italian system as a starting point for discussion with European peers, we brought together organisations of families of persons with disabilities and service providers, education professionals, persons with disabilities and their families and policy-makers from several countries to examine key actions to implement inclusive education.

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ANNUAL REPORT 2021 – Sustainable solutions to help families and the economy bounce back

ANNUAL REPORT 2021 – Sustainable solutions to help families and the economy bounce back

2021 was not an easy year for families, the pandemic was a harsh reality for civil society and for families all over Europe. At COFACE, riven by our 2030 Child compass and our new strategic framework we defined our focus to support families to bounce back from the Covid-19 crisis.

We harnessed the full potential of technologies and developed our European Family Lab further as a strong and innovative tool to reach out to families and build bridges between family professionals.

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